Courtesy of Christof Stache/AFP VIA Getty Images
Having a vaccinated staff is essential for keeping your business healthy, open and thriving; but unvaccinated customers also pose a threat. How to ensure vaccination of both employees and customers in order to ensure safety is not an easy question to grapple with. Here is a look at how hospitality businesses in three communities have worked to answer this question.
Flint, Michigan
A McDonald’s franchise in Flint has partnered with the Mayor and Genesee County Health Department to offer free vaccines for community members. The owner and operator converted the restaurant into a clinic for 3 days where individuals could show up and get their shot without any prior registration needed. McDonalds offered these individuals a free beverage in return to boost turnout.
Appleton, Wisconsin
Wilson Middle School also converted its campus into a 2-day clinic to offer free shots for the Fox Valley community. Although individuals had to pre-register, no identification or health insurance was required in the process; walk-ins were welcomed and interpreters were hired to facilitate the event. 16 community partners helped organize the clinic, and local eateries offered food vouchers to those who got vaccinated in order to draw in more people.
Dallas, Texas
Williams Chicken has partnered with Catalyst Health Network and Project Unity to host 3 vaccination clinics. Individuals will receive a free meal, “two pieces and a pepper,” upon getting their shot. For Williams Chicken Director of Operations, Tim Williams, this event not only will help the business serve and protect loyal customers but it will also boost the dwindling vaccination protection in the area.
All of these methods were indeed successful ways to address vaccine hesitancy in their respective communities and augment vaccination rates for individuals looking for increased support in these uncertain times. Certainly, these methods can be replicated and developed around the country and in New York City to help in the effort to vaccinate everyone.
Founded by attorneys Andreas Koutsoudakis and Michael Iakovou, IX Legal focuses on guiding companies and businesses throughout the entire legal spectrum as it relates to their business including day-to-day operations and compliance, litigation and transactional matters.
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